After a drift and then a fantastic seven knot blast upwind to Ushant in a strong Force 3 we sailed across Biscay with variable wind conditions from nothing to a full gale, which was certainly a good sea trial. We had a leaking oil filter and not enough spare oil, so were without an engine when the wind disappeared, but enjoyed drifting with the whales and dolphins that joined us. On responding to a pan pan from a German sailor, we discovered Ralph who had a 'towel in his screw'. He wanted a diver to 'go down and free his screw' but there was no way I was getting in the sea in Biscay! Like us, although he had no engine, he could sail, so we decided that his need was no greater than ours. We both sailed off, in our case unbeknown of an imminent gale. We spent two nights 'hove to' whilst the massive waves broke over us. Baptism of fire, thankfully I had plenty of ginger biscuits. The gale blew us off course so we didn't make La Coruna but fetched up in Gijon. Ralph turned up 24 hours later.......he had a tarpaulin from the hay bales in Spain wrapped around his propeller.
Dolphins off the bow |
La Coruna |
The lack of engine due to a, now very leaky oil filter, and leaking stern gland caused problems which Tristan had to sort out. We spent two weeks on the hard whilst we waited for an imperial bolt to be sent from the UK. Plenty of time to paint and varnish but it was difficult with the constant coal dust from the port. We enjoyed cycling around the city on free bikes courtesy of the marina.
It was a relief to finally go back into the water and we sailed for Viviero, but decided to keep going and sailed for La Coruna. More night sailing in strong winds but no way as bad as Biscay! We had over an hour of common dolphins swimming in the bow was beautiful. From La Coruna we sailed to Camarinas and anchored for two nights whilst another gale blew through. We are currently in Ria De Muros hiding from a strong southerly......its all or nothing but at least its warm. Our plan is we have no plan. We need a northerly wind to get us south.
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