We have mended the blown out mainsail and fitted a new electric bilge pump, then gave ourselves a few days off as our hands hurt, and to source the pipe for re-routing the manual bilge pumps .
The marina is at Tarajal, along the coast from Puerto Tazacorte. The most spectacular thing about this place is the beach and the barranco.
Los Llanos is characterful with its plaza's and shops.

These palm trees were planted in 1929 so they are younger than my Mum!
We have been shop less for two months so its been great to be able to find what we need in the Ferretaria's and Chandler's, but its still not great especially if we need to carry out work on the boat.
The whole of this part of the island is surrounded by banana plantations......apparently there is a high incidence of asthma due to the pollen. We thought we would build up our immunity by eating the local honey but it tastes like burnt sugar and not a patch on El Hierro's honey!

The bus service around the island is fantastic.....off we went to Santa Cruz.We crossed from the west to the east of the island via a very long tunnel. Santa Cruz is typically Spanish, buildings around a central courtyard, surrounded by wooden balconies....beautiful.
We are glad we are in Tazacorte as the boats in the marina were rocking.....I'd need stugeron to be in the harbour.

Back in Tazacorte........
If I lived there I would be worried!
Whatever the activity.......you can't have balls! Look closely....

In the mean time we have taken all of the floors out of the boat and we are gradually sorting everything out. Its a bit of work but I have a carpenter, and as Ron use to say, 'There's no point having a dog and barking yourself'!